Sunday, March 10, 2013


The sketches below were drawn by me, and they all involve a above ground and underground structure. The  structures are inspired by a descriptive word which relates to the two clients of this project,  Shinya Kimura (C1) and Antonio Stradivari (C2). Using a noun, verb and adjective from both clients, a total of 18 architectural combinations were created in the process.

Client 1: Shinya Kimura

  • Adjective: Metallic
  • Verb: Engineer
  • Noun: Machine

Client 2: Atonio Stradivari

  • Adjective: Delicate
  • Verb: Craft
  • Noun: Vintage

DATUM Sketches

Sketch 1: Metallic/Delicate

Sketch 2: Metallic/Vintage

Sketch 3: Metallic/Craft

Sketch 4: Delicate/Metallic

Sketch 5: Delicate/Machine

Sketch 6: Delicate/Engineer
Sketch 7: Machine/Delicate
Sketch 8: Machine/Vintage
Sketch 9: Machine/Craft

Sketch 10: Vintage/Metallic

Sketch 11: Vintage/Machine

Sketch 12: Vintage/Engineer
Sketch 13: Engineer/Delicate
Sketch 14: Engineer/Vintage
Sketch 15: Engineer/Craft
Sketch 16: Craft/Metallic

Sketch 17: Craft/Machine

Sketch 18: Craft/Engineer

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