Tuesday, March 12, 2013

EXP DATUM: Sketch Up Model (Draft 1)

Using Google sketchup was extremely hard for the first time, but after going through the google sketchup tutorials online, it was much easier. I used the push and pull tool a lot in helping me make my 2D drawings three dimensional.The curve lined tool was also used often, especially for Antonio's underground building. The sketch used for the Sketchup model was Sketch no.8, Engine/Curve (N1/N2). The sketch below shows the initial 2D drawing which was done on Google Sketchup before making it into three dimensional

After that, I developed it by giving it depth using the push and pull tool. I attempted to make a oval shaped sphere using the follow me tool. However, I struggled and came up with a better idea and changed it with a tear shape block. Other than that, I haven't changed much, other than added a few small pieces in other to give the architecture depth.

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