Tuesday, March 19, 2013

EXP DATUM: Sketch Up Model 2 (Draft 1)

This sketch up model is based on on my 1st model, A1/A2 (Metalic/Elegant), where client 1 is Shinya and client 2 is Antonio. For A1, I relied heavily on the use of the push and pull tool in order to create the final product below. The original idea was to have the triangles become equilateral triangle pyramids, however, because of an accuracy issue, it didn't work out well and there were many problems that occurred  However, I'm rather satisfied with the end product because it turned out better than the original idea. Additionally, for A2, I was hoping to create this big pond shape with stairs in it so that you could walk on the surface and travel into other floors. However, due to technical issues, I changed my idea to make something rather unique, making a small underground room with lots of small circle panels which made it fun and elegant at the same time. Even though I wasn't able to create my original ideas, I'm still satisfied with the result at the end. 

2D Section of A1

Above Land View

Looking into the Antonio's space

Diagonal View of A1 and A2

Front View of A1

Section of A2
Aerial View of A1 and A2

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