Tuesday, June 25, 2013


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This bridge is set in Central, Hong Kong. Due to Hong Kong's complex landscape, the bridge follows the complex spatial experience in Hong Kong in order to fit the needs of a school. The folly is set on top of another building which requires an elevator to fly through the gaps between the buildings to reach there, allowing users to experience the complex spatiality of the city and learn about how deconstructivisim and spatial movement work together. The elevator designs are complex even though they are based on repetition, however modified to create a sense of variation and complexity, supporting the previous theory.The bridge is based on elongated rectangles that have been bent at different random degrees, like Zaha Hadid's the Peak. The use of poles was also inspired by the Zaha's the peak drawing, was the drawings would involve many poles intersecting the different floors at different and unusual angles. The bridge is attached to three different buildings in order to connect itself to the landscape. Additionally, the idea of repetition with variation is also pursued in order to create complexity in structure and space.

Folly and Elevators- https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41012313/EXP3_LIFT_AND_FOLLY.skp
Bridge and City- https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41012313/EXP3_BRIDGE_AND_BUILDINGS.skp
Crynengine Environment- https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41012313/arch1101_manhinma_final.zip

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